Brush Roller Washing Machine

The brush roller washing machine is widely used in cleaning gingers, cassava, potatoes, konjace, sweet potatoes, kiwi fruit, all kinds of radishes, all kinds of taros and other root products.


Application principle of brush roller cleaning machine

Working Principle: This machine employs a conveyor system where the fruits or vegetables are fed onto a moving belt. As they move through the machine, they encounter rotating brush rollers. These rollers, often made of soft materials, rotate gently and come in contact with the produce, dislodging dirt, debris, and surface contaminants. Simultaneously, water jets or sprays are utilized to supplement the cleaning process, ensuring a thorough wash. The combination of the rotating brushes and water effectively cleanses the surfaces of the produce, leaving them sanitized and ready for further processing or consumption.

Application industry of brush roller cleaning machines

  1. Food Processing Units: In the food processing industry, Brush Roller Washing Machines play a crucial role in cleaning a diverse range of produce before processing. From leafy greens and root vegetables to various fruits, these machines ensure cleanliness and adherence to hygiene standards.
  2. Agriculture: Farms and agricultural facilities utilize these machines to prepare harvested fruits and vegetables for market distribution. Apples, potatoes, carrots, and other produce undergo cleaning to meet cleanliness standards.
  3. Healthcare Institutions: Hospitals and nursing homes employ these machines to ensure that the produce used in their cafeterias meets stringent hygiene standards, preventing foodborne illnesses.

Brush Roller Washing Machine

Brush Roller Washing Machine

Brush Roller Washing Machine

Brush Roller Washing Machine

Brush Roller Washing Machine

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