vacuum microwave dehydration

Capacity:50-400 kg

Application: 1aslemon Acid,chicken essence,borax,ammonium sulfate,radish silk,seeds,salt,silkworm, etc

Industry: chemical,pharmaceutical,food,dehydrated vegetables,grain,mining,etc


vacuum microwave dehydration

Introduction to vacuum microwave dehydration

  1. Dual Technology Integration: Vacuum microwave dehydration combines the principles of microwave radiation and vacuum conditions for efficient moisture removal from materials.
  2. Microwave Penetration and Vibration: Microwaves, emitted at specific frequencies, penetrate the material, causing polar water molecules to vibrate rapidly, generating heat within the substance.
  3. Enhanced Drying Efficiency: The simultaneous application of vacuum reduces the boiling point of water, aiding in faster moisture evaporation even at lower temperatures, preserving the material’s integrity.
  4. Uniform and Controlled Drying: Vacuum microwave dehydration ensures uniform drying by controlling both microwave power and vacuum pressure, preventing hotspots and maintaining consistent moisture removal.
  5. Preservation of Quality Attributes: This method retains the original characteristics of the material, including color, flavor, nutrients, and texture, due to the gentle drying process at lower temperatures.


The working principle of vacuum microwave dehydrator

  1. Microwave Penetration: Microwaves, emitted at specific frequencies, penetrate the material, causing water molecules to oscillate and generate heat due to molecular friction.
  2. Vacuum Conditions: Simultaneously, vacuum conditions are applied, reducing the boiling point of water, facilitating moisture evaporation at lower temperatures.
  3. Rapid Heat Generation: The combination of microwave energy and vacuum reduces the time needed for moisture removal by generating heat directly within the material.
  4. Uniform Drying: Controlled microwave power and vacuum pressure ensure even heat distribution, preventing hotspots and facilitating consistent moisture removal throughout the material.
  5. Preservation of Quality: The gentle drying process at lower temperatures helps retain the material’s original attributes such as color, flavor, nutrients, and structural integrity.
  6. Efficiency and Speed: Vacuum microwave dehydration offers faster drying times compared to traditional methods, maintaining quality while expediting the dehydration process.
  7. vacuum microwave dehydration        vacuum microwave dehydration

What are the advantages of vacuum microwave dehydration?

  1. Rapid Drying: It offers accelerated drying times compared to conventional methods by efficiently removing moisture through the combined action of microwaves and vacuum.
  2. Preservation of Nutritional Value: This method helps retain the nutritional content, color, flavor, and texture of the material due to the gentle drying process at lower temperatures.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Vacuum microwave dehydration operates at lower temperatures, reducing energy consumption while achieving quicker drying results.
  4. Uniform Drying Quality: It ensures consistent drying throughout the material, preventing uneven moisture removal and preserving product quality and integrity.
  5. Reduced Processing Time: The integration of microwave energy and vacuum conditions leads to faster moisture evaporation, decreasing overall processing time.
  6. Versatility: It is applicable to a wide range of materials, from food products to pharmaceuticals and biomaterials, showcasing its adaptability across multiple industries.

How much drying time can a vacuum microwave dehydrator reduce?

■ for the microwave vacuum drying process, time required = 9 minutes;
■ for the combined microwave and hot air process, time required = 30 minutes;
■ for the convective hot air process, time required = 205 minutes.

  1. Related materials and industries of vacuum microwave dehydrator

  2. Application: 1aslemon Acid,chicken essence,borax,ammonium sulfate,radish silk,seeds,salt,silkworm, etc
  3. Industry: chemical,pharmaceutical,food,dehydrated vegetables,grain,mining,etc
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