tray dryer price

Industry: chemical,pharmaceutical,food,dehydrated vegetables,grain,mining,etc

pplication: 1aslemon Acid,chicken essence,borax,ammonium sulfate,radish silk,seeds,salt,silkworm, etc


tray dryer price

Disk dryer related introduction

  1. Modular Tray System: Tray dryer machines feature a modular tray system that allows for easy customization and adjustment of tray configurations to accommodate different types of materials and drying requirements.
  2. Uniform Airflow Distribution: These dryers are designed with advanced airflow distribution systems that ensure uniform airflow across all trays, resulting in consistent drying rates and high-quality dried products.
  3. Temperature Mapping Capabilities: Tray dryer machines are equipped with temperature mapping capabilities, enabling precise monitoring and control of temperature profiles within the drying chamber to achieve optimal drying conditions for various materials.
  4. Integrated Monitoring and Control System: They come with integrated monitoring and control systems that allow operators to monitor key parameters such as temperature, humidity, and airflow, ensuring efficient and reliable operation throughout the drying process.
  5. Compliance with Industry Standards: Tray dryer machines are designed and manufactured in compliance with industry standards and regulations, ensuring safety, reliability, and quality performance for diverse drying applications across industries.

tray dryer price   

Working principle of disc dryer

  1. Loading of Material: The material to be dried is loaded onto trays arranged inside the dryer chamber. The trays are often perforated to allow airflow through the material.
  2. Heat Generation: Heat is generated by electric heaters, steam, or hot air circulation systems located outside the drying chamber. This heat source raises the temperature inside the chamber.
  3. Air Circulation: A fan or blower circulates hot air or a heated gas mixture throughout the chamber, ensuring uniform distribution of heat and efficient drying of the material on the trays.
  4. Moisture Evaporation: As the heated air passes over the material on the trays, moisture evaporates from the surface of the material, reducing its moisture content and promoting drying.
  5. Humidity Control: Some tray dryers have mechanisms for controlling humidity levels inside the chamber, either by venting excess moisture or by incorporating dehumidification systems to maintain optimal drying conditions

Features of tray dryers

  1. Modular Design: Tray dryers often have a modular design, allowing for easy customization and scalability to meet varying production needs and space constraints.
  2. Uniform Airflow: They are designed to provide uniform airflow distribution across all trays, ensuring consistent drying results and preventing variations in moisture content within the materials being dried.
  3. Adjustable Parameters: Tray dryers offer adjustable parameters such as temperature, airflow rate, and drying time, allowing operators to optimize drying conditions for different materials and achieve desired drying outcomes.
  4. Easy Monitoring: Many tray dryers come with monitoring and control systems that allow operators to monitor temperature, humidity, and other drying parameters in real time, ensuring accurate and efficient drying processes.
  5. Versatile Tray Configurations: Tray dryers feature versatile tray configurations, including adjustable tray spacing and removable trays, facilitating easy loading, unloading, and handling of materials during the drying process.


Technical Parameters

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