Spanish multi-layer hot air

Industry: chemical,pharmaceutical,food,dehydrated vegetables,grain,mining,etc

pplication: 1aslemon Acid,chicken essence,borax,ammonium sulfate,radish silk,seeds,salt,silkworm, etc


Spanish multi-layer hot air

Introduction to multi-layer hot air dryer

  1. Layered Drying System: A multi-layer hot air dryer utilizes a stacked or layered drying system, where materials are dried across multiple trays or layers simultaneously. This design increases the drying capacity and efficiency of the equipment.
  2. Modular Design: These dryers often feature a modular design, allowing users to customize the number of drying layers based on their specific drying requirements. This flexibility enables users to scale up or down the drying capacity as needed.
  3. Continuous Drying Capability: Unlike batch dryers, multi-layer hot air dryers can offer continuous drying capabilities. As materials move through the multiple layers, new batches can be added to the top layers while dried materials are removed from the bottom layers, enabling continuous production.
  4. Temperature and Airflow Control: Advanced multi-layer hot air dryers feature precise temperature and airflow control systems for each drying layer. This allows operators to adjust drying parameters individually for optimal drying conditions and product quality.
  5. Uniform Drying: The multi-layer design ensures uniform drying across all layers, with consistent airflow and temperature distribution. This results in uniform drying rates and product quality throughout the drying process


Multi-layer hot air dryer principle

  1. Hot Air Circulation: The dryer utilizes a fan or blower to circulate hot air evenly across multiple layers of trays or shelves. This ensures uniform heat distribution and efficient drying of the material on each layer.
  2. Temperature Control: The dryer features temperature control mechanisms for each drying layer, allowing operators to adjust and maintain the desired temperature levels. This precise temperature control ensures optimal drying conditions for different types of materials.
  3. Heat Transfer: Heat is transferred from the hot air to the material being dried through convection. As the hot air flows over the material, it absorbs moisture, causing the material’s temperature to rise and the moisture to evaporate.
  4. Moisture Removal: The evaporated moisture is carried away from the material by the circulating hot air. This continuous removal of moisture ensures efficient drying and prevents the material from becoming over-dried or scorched.
  5. Gentle Drying: The multi-layer design of the dryer allows for gentle drying of delicate materials. The controlled airflow and temperature settings minimize the risk of overheating or damaging the materials, preserving their integrity and quality

Features of multi-layer hot air dryer

  1. High Drying Capacity: The multi-layer design allows for simultaneous drying of multiple batches of materials, increasing the overall drying capacity of the equipment.
  2. Adjustable Temperature Control: Each drying layer is equipped with adjustable temperature control, enabling precise temperature regulation for different types of materials and drying requirements.
  3. Uniform Air Distribution: The dryer ensures uniform distribution of hot air across all drying layers, resulting in consistent drying performance and product quality.
  4. Gentle Drying Process: The controlled airflow and temperature settings of the dryer provide gentle drying conditions, minimizing the risk of material degradation or overheating


The technical parameters are as follows

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