Food continuous tunnel dryer

The food continuos dryer is the perfect machine for your enterprise when you need the food drying chamber to detaun process. It results in a uniform and constant drying which considerably reduces moisture content without dissipating the nutrients and texture of the food items. The dyer by its adjustable settings as well as operation without interruptions achieves high silica gel dry food quality at a low energy consumption which in turn is an advantageous option for food processing enterprises from a economic view.


Food continuous tunnel dryer description

  1. Conveyor elt System: Trend forming food tunnel dryer runs ,based on the conveyor belt system ,such a way that food items are placed evenly and moved on the conveyor at a set rate .
  2. Heat Transfer Mechanism: Heat can either be produced by elements or steam. This heat is then subsequently transferred to the food products via conduction with the aim of moisture removal.
  3. Airflow Control: In this stage, the dryer is responsible of a continuous moving of the air inside the tunnel, what will made an even distribution of the heat and will allow the complete drying of all the food items.
  4. Humidity Regulation: The lyophilization system has the regulatory system for humidity levels, that will avoid the condensing of the freezing water crystals and maintain the lowest relative humidity needed for the drying process.
  5. Adjustable Parameters: The near-artificial intelligence enabled machine adapts to the different food types by manipulating parameters including conveyor speed, temperature, and airflow rate. Thus, the right level of moisture content can be attained.
  6. Recirculation System: A lot of tunnel dryers have an air reclamation system that recycles and re-heats the air resulting in reduced energy usage and thereby unit cost of operation.

Food continuous tunnel dryer

Principle of food continuous tunnel dryer

  1. 1. Conveyor System: The dryer comprises of a belt conveyor that catches up and relocates foodstuffs continuously through the drying chamber to get the browning or the drying of products to be operative evenly.
  2. 2. Preheating Zone: For the first step of the process i. e pre-heating, the food is placed in the pre-heating zone where it gradually is made up to the desired temperature for the drying in the subsequent step.
  3. 3. Drying Chamber: The key chamber (which in my opinion is), regarding drying, is based on the regulation of temperature and airflow in which a controlled environment is built. The constant flow of dry heat, blowing precisely above everything on the countertop, and turned the steam driven by the moisture into air to dry the food evenly all over.
  4. 4. Moisture Extraction: The air that is heated in the diverging part of the column comes into contact and absorbs humidity from the material, which undergoes the drying process in the drying chamber. The moist air then is driven out from the system or, this would be done with dehumidification for the separation of excessive moisture.
  5. 5. Cooling Zone: Then the process goes on; these products go into the cooling area where the cooling is gradual to avoid too much moisture and protect the solid inside.
  6. 6. Exhaust System: The dryer is educational with an exhaust kit that extracts the raw air from the drying cabinet and pipes it impulsively outside or through a condensation process to collect the extracted moisture that will be reused within the same procedure which increases energy efficiency.

Features of food continuous tunnel dryer

  1. Uniform Drying: They guarantee the equalization of the dryer on all foodstuff items and ensure that the product is consistently of good quality, texture, and tastes throughout the batch.
  2. Flexible Configurations: They enable the property of being tuned up to any food characteristics, including varied speed of conveyors, temperature setting, and drying chambers with different functions.
  3. High Capacity: Continuous tunnel dryers process a lot of foodstuff in one go that is, match up to industrial scale and hence they are best for industrial food processing.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Works of architecture often get made out with energy-saving features such as heat recovery systems, wall insulation and designed-optimized airflow patterns which enable the cutting down of energy consumption and operation costs.


Relevant technical parameters



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